Leaders of change

A series of training courses to help you gain new skills and knowledge about working in social networks, as well as about the international and national legal norms governing it. Graduates of the project were able to apply for mini-grants to launch communication campaigns in social networks, as well as receive mentoring support when launching them and developing a fundraising strategy.
Leaders of change
Watch introductory webinar
We know that human rights defenders are an important part of Kazakhstani society, but very often their work remains in the shadows. The reasons may be different: an inactive presence on social networks, a small audience, rare mentions in the media.
We want to change this!
To ensure that as many people in Kazakhstan as possible know about Human Rights organizations and civic initiatives, understand the importance of their work, and support them.

What did we want to achieve?

Our goal

Who did participate in the project?

Organizations and civil initiatives that defend:
  • Civil and political rights
    Including the right to a fair trial, freedom of assembly, the right to participate in public affairs through elections
    Especially organizations working to combat domestic violence and gender discrimination, and those working in the field of reproductive health
  • Rights of LGBTQ+ Community
    Primarily people whose activities are aimed at protecting the rights of LGBTQ+
  • Rights of people with disabilities
    In particular, organizations promoting the right to accessibility (including access to educational services), as well as those working in the field of reproductive health, the right to participate in political and public life, etc.
Within the framework of the project, we offered Human Rights defenders and activists to gain new skills and knowledge about working in social networks, as well as about the international and national legal norms governing it.
Graduates of the project was able to apply for mini-grants to launch communication campaigns in social networks, as well as receive mentoring support when launching them and developing a fundraising strategy.

What did we offer?

As part of the SMM school, human rights defenders and activists learned how to communicate as effectively as possible with their audience on social networks. They studied how to create an effective communication strategy, learned to understand and engage their audience, created relevant content and navigate through formats, and promoted their projects using social media business tools.

SMM and Communication Strategies School

The second school will train human rights defenders and activists to use videos effectively in campaigns promoting human rights. Course participants will learn how to create and distribute a video that attracts an audience. They will also learn how to write technical assignments, determine the correct format for disclosing a topic, balance opportunities with deadlines, optimize and promote, as well as speak the same language with technical specialists and set tasks for them.


Video School for Human Rights advocacy campaigns



As part of our project, we will also invite human rights defenders and activists to take part in a series of short trainings that will help them learn more about international and national legal regulations governing the digital space, as well as the challenges and threats that human rights defenders may face while working on social media.
online, 5th and 12th of august, 2021

"Digital rights and legal security" TRAINING

Training participants will learn about what digital rights and freedoms are and how they are regulated by international and Kazakhstan's law. This will help them ensure their own information security and protect the rights of their audience.

"hate speech" training

Human rights defenders and activists will learn to avoid the use of hate speech, avoid the use of clichés and stereotypes in their information materials, and also get acquainted with ethical aspects that will help them manage their social networks.
ONLINE, 23th of september and 14th OF OCTOBER, 2021

"Security and cybersecurity" Training

As part of this training, we will offer participants a number of practical tips and tools to help ensure a secure Internet experience.
Each participant of offline or online course will be able to apply for a mini-grant to develop and launch a communication campaign in social media.
21 of our alumni got mini-grants and launched communication campaigns.


Project trainers

We work with the best!
Participants who began work on the preparation and launch of a communication campaign in social networks received mentoring support from our trainers. Selected organizations and initiatives received advice on how to develop a fundraising strategy.


Contact Us
+7 775 617 7228
The website was developed by the Public Foundation "Erkindik Kanaty" with the financial support of the European Union within the framework of the project "Leaders of Change: Strengthening Informed Awareness and Dialogue on Human Rights". The content of this course is the responsibility of the Public Foundation "Erkindik Kanaty" and does not reflect the point of view of the European Union.